Securing your ticket price

Take your time before deciding! With our Time to Think service, you can take an option on your selected flight.

Time to Think

When booking online, you can take an option on your selected flight for a maximum of 3 days. You’ll see the exact duration of your Time to Think period when you take the option. It depends on your moment of booking, destination, and the fare conditions of your selected flight. Please note that the fee you pay for this option is non-refundable.

How it works

During your Time to Think period, your preferred seat on the flight will be reserved for you at a fixed price and fixed fare conditions. Before your option period expires, you’ll get a reminder via the e-mail address you provided. To confirm the booking, simply click on the link in the e-mail and pay for your ticket online. If the Time to Think period expires, the reservation will automatically be cancelled.


You’ll pay a specific fee per ticket to take an option. The fee depends on the amount of days until your flight’s departure and on the destination you’re travelling to. An option is strictly personal and therefore non-transferable. It’s also non-refundable, even if you decide to not book the ticket.